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Unaccompanied Refugee Children and Youth: How You Can Help (Virtual Info Session)

An Unaccompanied Refugee Minor is a child who was forced to flee his/her home country and is found in a foreign country without any adult relative to provide protection. These children often are survivors of kidnapping, trafficking, smuggling, and other traumatic events and desperately need a safe adult to take them under their wings for a period of time. YOU can be that safe place for a refugee child and, in so doing, answer the cries of their first parents and express the heart of God who calls himself a “father of the fatherless” (Psalm 68). Currently, many hundreds of children are waiting overseas for someone safe to say, “Yes, you may come in.” Could you be that “yes” for one child?

Please join us for a virtual info session with Catholic Charities and an experienced foster parent for refugees. There is no obligation following the call; just come and learn about the variety of ways to get involved!

Tue., May 23 at noon-1 p.m. online. Sign up here.

May 9

Share & Care Group

June 6

Share & Care Group